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Rona Pondick Works: 2013–2018 at MARC STRAUS

BOMB Magazine - Art Review - December 3, 2018

Floating Green, 2015–17. Pigmented resin and acrylic. 8 3/8 x 17 1/8 x 17 1/8 inches. Courtesy of MARC STRAUS, New York, and the artist.

A smooth, oblong head, encased in what appears to be a viscous substance, struggles to emerge in Rona Pondick’s Floating Green (2015–17), one of a dozen of her most recent sculptures currently on view at MARC STRAUS in New York City. The nose and part of the face, made from resin, bob above the surface of an acrylic box, whose properties suggest a gelatinous substance tinted the alarming green of pond scum, though in actuality the material is hard, inflexible. The rest of the head remains submerged, seemingly locked in existential tension: will or won’t this being survive?


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